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  • 國外業務
  • 分享 引言回覆回覆主題
  • 文章日期:104-10-28 13:32 
  • 文章人氣:854
  • 個人積分:2
  • 您好: 想請問以法律的角度來,以下條文是否會約束Employer(雇方)不得自行發展其他銷售管道,除非得到Contractor(承包商)的書面同意? 謝謝。 Without the written consent of the Contractor, the Employer further agrees not to:  i.            solely or jointly with others undertake or join any planning for or organization of any business activity competitive with the current or anticipated business activities of the Contractor; and  ii.            directly or indirectly, engage or participate in any other business activities which the Contractor, in its reasonable discretion, determines to be in conflict with the best interests of the Contractor.